Photo by [Peter Herrmann] via Pixabay


(European Patent, Trademark & Design Attorney)
Photo of Dr. Scharfenberger

- has studied physics and computer science at the University of Karlsruhe (TH) including one year of graduate studies at the York University, Toronto, Canada as scholar of the Baden-Württemberg-Ontario exchange program.

- He graduated in physics in 2007, obtaining his Diploma with a thesis on Electronic Transport through Quantum Dot Rings with Spin-Orbit Interaction.

- The following post-graduate studies at the Institute of Condensed Matter Physics were successfully completed in 2011, when he obtained his PhD in physics from the Karlsruher Institut of Technology (KIT) on the topic of Topological Spin Liquids.

- Then, a post-doctoral studies at the National Institute of Informatics (NII) in Tokyo, Japan, and at the Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg in the area of Quantum Computation.

- In 2015, he began training as a patent attorney in our firm, as well as at the German Patent and Trademark Office and the Federal German Patent Court in Munich. After successful completion of his training, he received his admission as a patent attorney and as a European Trademark and Design Attorney in early 2019.

Eva Specht
Photo of Eva Specht

Photo of Frau Pöhner

FOUNDER (retired)
(European Patent, Trademark & Design Attorney)
Photo of Dr. Pöhner